The Progress of UN Disarmament in Iraq: An Assessment Report

The Progress of UN Disarmament in Iraq

January 2003 – This report provides an assessment of the intensive inspection activity of UN weapons monitors in Iraq, which was mandated in Security Council Resolution 1441 in 2002. Issued just after the January 27 update to the Security Council on UN inspections provided by chief of operations, Hans Blix,  the report concurs with Blix’s assessment that “Iraq has on the whole cooperated rather well so far” with UN inspectors.

The report also discusses how — in contrast with the experience of UN weapons monitors during the early 1990s — the inspectors with the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have received unfettered access to Iraqi facilities. They have been able to conduct more than 350 on-site inspections and are employing technologies for detecting nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons unavailable to their predecessors.

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